Symbiotic Radicalisation: The interplay between the radical political activism on the left and right fringes in Australia
How do radical political actors in Victoria pursue their ideological agenda online and offline and how do their messaging and tactics change in response to external and internal developments? How do opposing political movements on the left and right fringes of the political spectrum interact with each other’s agenda and actions?
By using a combination of literature reviews, online research including social media data mining and offline research including ethnographic fieldwork and interviews, the project looks for answers by examining factors including: narratives, mobilisation, networks, and public discourse.
Misinformation has found a home with conspiracy theorists, some exploiting political divisions and others convinced of its truth.
Jacob Davey and Dr Mario Peucker tell us that by recognizing reciprocal radicalization between far-left and far-right movements, we can begin to build toolkits to limit potential escalation.