Recognising the power of community truth-telling - Policy Paper


Vanessa Barolsky, Karen Berger and Kirstie Close


Barolsky, V., Berger, K., Close, K. (2023) ‘Recognising the power of community truth-telling - Policy Paper’. Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Centre for Inclusive and Resilient Societies and Reconciliation Australia.

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The study offers important lessons for how the vision of truth-telling in the Uluru Statement could be realised and supported in order to build a fuller understanding of Australia’s history and the need for lasting structural transformations.

This briefing paper outlines our key findings and suggests ways in which truth-telling could be supported. It proposes a set of principles which the research indicates could enhance the power and impact of truth-telling and makes recommendations about how truth-telling could be progressed in the light of the research.