Working with Men and Boys for Social Justice Resources: Conceptual frameworks
Eastern Health, Eastern Domestic Violence Service (EDVOS), and Queensland University of Technology (QUT) by Flood, M., O’Donnell, J., Brewin, B., and Myors, B. | 2021
Tearfund by Thomson, S., Quirke, F., Deepan, P., Martin, L., Nkusi, S., Lele Baghuma, U., Bezzolato, E., & McLarnon-Silk, C. | 2021
Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence and Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters by Wells, L., Flood, M., Boutilier, S., Goulet, S. & Dozois, E. | 2020
HealthWest Partnership Victoria | 2020
The Healing Foundation and White Ribbon Australia | 2017
EMERGE (Engendering Men – Evidence on Routes to Gender Equality), Institute of Development Studies (Eds), Promundo-Us & Sonke, Gender Justice | 2015
International Rescue Committee | 2014
International Rescue Committee | 2013
Promundo, UNFPA, MenEngage | 2010
Victorian Department of Education and Training